Letter to Parents 1

Dear Parents,

Re: Year 11 English / History trip to Edinburgh, Scotland: 30 September – 5 October 2014

We are delighted to offer current Year 10 students the opportunity to participate in a joint English/History educational trip to Edinburgh. The trip has been specifically designed to strengthen the students’ knowledge and understanding regarding Cambridge IGCSE Literature and GCSE History.

The trip aims to provide students with insight into the historical and literary significance of Victorian and early 20th Century Edinburgh, and will entail a number of educationally rewarding activities. The provisional itinerary includes:


·         A visit to Surgeon’s Hall Museum. The unique collection has objects and displays illustrating the history of surgery and dentistry over the last 500 years, with a particular focus on the significant contribution made in Edinburgh. As well as exploring the science behind important developments such as anaesthesia and antisepsis, the collection offers a great opportunity to investigate aspects of social history.
·         A visit to the Scottish National Portrait Gallery where the exhibition Remembering The Great War marks the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War, providing an insight into the people involved and the role that Scotland played.
·         A tour of Mary King’s Close  which is buried deep beneath Edinburgh’s Royal Mile. The city’s deepest secret; a warren of hidden streets that has remained frozen in time since the 17th Century.
·         An opportunity to visit The People's Story Museum which explores the lives of Edinburgh’s ordinary people at work and play from the late 18th century to today. Visitors can see displays showing a bookbinder’s workshop, a wartime kitchen and much more, all packed with real objects.

English Literature

·         A theatre performance of Pat Barker’s play Regeneration which tells the story of the First World War poet Siegfried Sassoon. Students have studied Sassoon’s poetry about the horrors of WWI. Students will join an insightful talk, by members of the cast, about the production before going in to watch the play.
·         A walking tour of the Old and New Towns. The city of Edinburgh had a significant influence on the creative imagination of Robert Louis Stevenson. The dark closes of the Old Town provided an exciting contrast to the elegance and respectability of the New Town, where Stevenson grew up. It was this contrast that led to Stevenson’s masterpiece The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde which BISB students are studying for their Literature IGCSE.
·         An optional tour of The Writers' Museum which celebrates the lives of three great Scottish writers – Robert Burns, Sir Walter Scott and Robert Louis Stevenson.

The envisaged total cost of the trip is 215,000 HUF. This cost includes flights, insurance, transfers, bed and breakfast in a youth hostel and all travel in Edinburgh. It also includes tickets for the theatre and cinema, the conducted tours and museum and gallery visits. It does not include meals, other than breakfast. The estimated price is subject to fares for flights, the exchange rate and changes to the teacher-student ratio. Any excess will be returned to parents on completion of the trip.

In order to book flights and finalise accommodation, we will require notification that your son/daughter wishes to attend the trip.

The deposit for the trip is 130,000HUF and is non-refundable. Please complete the return slip and place the deposit in an envelope marked “Year 11 Edinburgh Trip” and return to the Finance office, by  18 April 2014.

Please do not hesitate to contact me directly with any queries regarding any of the above.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Allan
Ms Leach
Mr Gibson



Please complete the reply slip below.


I enclose 130,000HUF as deposit for the Edinburgh trip.

Name of student:________________________                    Class:   ____________

Signature:   ____________________________                                  Date:  ____________

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